and NODUS Talks
Find out about what is happening at the NODUS – Sustainable Design Research Research Group. Four times a year, we organise NODUS Talks bringing together researchers and practitioners on topics relevant to design, innovation and sustainability.
NODUS TALKS: Caring Commons: Bringing Darkness into Light
NODUS researcher Gloria Lauterbach moderates a talk with Marjut Kauppinen and Henrika Pihlajaniemi.
NODUS TALKS: Caring for Neglected Spaces
NODUS researcher Hella Hernberg discusses neglected spaces with Aku Vainikainen.
NODUS TALKS: Serious Games for Sustainable Futures
NODUS researcher Tommi Vasko and Ola Uhrqvist discusses how serious games can help us understand sustainability problems and how they might be used in policy-making.
NODUS TALKS: Experiential Futures – What? Why? How?
NODUS leader Idil Gaziulusoy and Anu Seisto (VTT) discusses what are Experiental Futures and why they matter.
NODUS TALKS: Innovation during Polycrisis
Janne I. Hukkinen and Sara Lindeman discusses the role of innovation during polycrisis.
NODUS TALKS: The Diverse City
In this event, we will discuss how urban planning homogenizes cities, what impacts this has and what can be done about it.
NODUS TALKS: The Invisibilities in the Production-Consumption System of Fashion
In this NODUS Talks event, we talk about the production-consumption system of fashion.
NODUS TALKS: Changing the Gaze in the Climate Crisis Era
Come listen to NODUS researcher Gloria Lauterbach, and guests discuss changing the gaze in the climate crisis era.
NODUS TALKS: Biochar. In the city?
NODUS researcher Mikko Jalas and climate expert Susanna Kankaanpää discuss Biochar In the City?
NODUS TALKS: 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
Michael Lettenmeier and Reet Aus take us on a deep dive to 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
NODUS TALKS: Parenting and Climate Change
Idil Gaziulusoy and Tapio Pesola converse parenthood in the times fo climate change
NODUS TALKS: Mediating Vacant Spaces
NODUS researcher Hella Hernberg and Elina Alatalo discuss mediating vacant spaces.
NODUS TALKS: Multispecies Sustainability
EMILIJA VESELOVA will present her research on how natural nonhumans, such as animals, insects, soil, different ecosystems, can be included and considered as important stakeholders in design, planning and decision making processes.
NODUS TALKS: Food Sovereignty Is People's Sovereignty
ASLIHAN OGUZ will introduce what food sovereignty means, how and why this movement started, its current position and how it connects to a new food system narrative, which is part of the research she is currently building.
NODUS TALKS: Open Design in a Global Health Crisis
CINDY KOHTALA will introduce open design: what it is, who does it, who researches it, and how it connects to sustainability.
David and César will talk about the Coronavirusmakers open design platform they helped initiate and maintain, for the collaborative production and distribution of PPE in Spain starting in March 2020.
NODUS TALKS: Accommodating Urban Food Futures
KATA FODOR will discuss the changing spatial logics embedded in 21st century food systems, as well as how new hybrid food spaces may facilitate more sustainable urban food practices.
NODUS TALKS: Business of Design & Sustainability: Jumping on Board or Pushing Off the Cliff?
İDİL GAZİULUSOY shares her perspectives on how design businesses can approach sustainability strategically and what’s beyond “sustainability-as-usual.”
NODUS TALKS: Civil Dissent & Sustainability
MILOŠ MLADENOVIĆ will explore contrasting official imaginaries of self-driving vehicle technology with the multitude of anticipated civil disobedience cases to unpack fundamental moral challenges that could further depoliticize technological (non)-development. ARTO SIVONEN will be discussing activism, its meaning, and how to activate social change.
NODUS TALKS: Why (not) Give Up? Sustainability Transformations & Degrowth
MERI LÖYTTYNIEMI will be presenting about implementing sustainability within higher education and how to promote topics like degrowth in an organization like Aalto University. EEVA HOUTBECKERS focuses on experiences of promoting degrowth in various instances since 2016.
NODUS TALKS: 1.5 Degree Lifestyles
DR. MICHAEL LETTENMEIER will speak about what 1.5-degree lifestyles will look like and how the transition towards them could be accelerated. HANNA-REETTA LUUKKAINEN’s presentation is titled The Butterfly Effect – Using Customer Data as a Tool to Address Climate Change.