NODUS TALKS: 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
8.9.2022 16:15 – 17:45
Design Museum Helsinki
Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
Event language(s)
MICHAEL LETTENMEIER is a post-doctoral researcher at the NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group, Department of Design, Aalto University and the CEO of D-mat ltd. Michael has developed the 1.5-Degree Lifetyles and the 8-Tonnes Material Footprint concepts for sustainable lifestyles. In this talk, Michael will show what the 1.5-degree climate target from the Paris Agreement means from a lifestyles’ perspective, how our everyday life can contribute to the target, and what this means from the perspective of different actors in society.
REET AUS is a PhD-qualified Estonian fashion designer and environmental activist who founded REET AUS COLLECTION® and THE UPSHIRT®. She is a pioneer in the field of industrial upcycling for fashion, and has developed the UPMADE® certification, in order to pass on her knowledge to brands and factories. Reet is going to talk about the radically not-wasteful new way of production model based on a scientific core methodology she developed called UPMADE®
The event is free but please register to get access to the event.