NODUS TALKS: Biochar. In the city?


16.3.2023 16:15 – 17:45


Design Museum Helsinki & Online

Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki

Event language(s)


Mikko Jalas is a professor of Co-innovation for Circular Solutions at Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture. He has a PhD from Organization and Management at Aalto University. His research interests relate to everyday life, materiality, sufficiency, and temporal rhythms of society. He also works in the area of renewable energy and energy efficiency in households, as well as carbon sequestration and the use of biochar in urban green areas.

Susanna Kankaanpää is a climate expert in the Urban Environment Division, Climate Unit, the City of Helsinki, specializing in adaptation to climate change issues. Her main tasks involve coordinating adaptation work and its strategic level planning in the city. She also works with nature base solutions and storm water management issues as well as carbon sequestration in urban areas and the role and potential of biochar in it.

The event is free but please register to get access to the event.


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