NODUS TALKS: Civil Dissent & Sustainability

MILOŠ MLADENOVIĆ is a human and engineer, trying to understand and share knowledge about urban mobility systems. His talk titled "The Anarchist Cookbook and Imaginaries of Self-Driving Vehicle Technology" will explore contrasting official imaginaries of self-driving vehicle technology with the multitude of anticipated civil disobedience cases to unpack fundamental moral challenges that could further depoliticize technological (non)-development.

ARTO SIVONEN is the founder of Måndag, a marketing designer and an urban activist. In his talk titled, "Activism, what does that really mean?" Sivonen will be discussing activism, its meaning, and how to activate social change.

Video recording of the event.

Event page in Facebook.


Business of Design & Sustainability: Jumping on Board or Pushing Off the Cliff?


NODUS TALKS: Why (not) Give Up? Sustainability Transformations & Degrowth