NODUS TALKS: Open Design in a Global Health Crisis

CINDY KOHTALA is Postdoctoral Researcher in Aalto University, Department of Design. She studies fab labs and maker culture and how sustainability is represented in their new prosumption practices and sociotechnical utopias. Her presentation will introduce open design: what it is, who does it, who researches it, and how it connects to sustainability.

DAVID CUARTIELLES RUIZ is a teacher and researcher of interaction design at Malmö University, Sweden, exploring the co-creation of socio-technical platforms.

CÉSAR GARCÍA SÁEZ is an independent researcher specialised in maker culture and digital fabrication, and publisher/producer of the La Hora Maker podcast.

David and César will talk about the Coronavirusmakers open design platform they helped initiate and maintain, for the collaborative production and distribution of PPE in Spain starting in March 2020.

Video recording of the event.

Event page in Facebook.


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