
and NODUS Talks

Find out about what is happening at the NODUS – Sustainable Design Research Research Group. Four times a year, we organise NODUS Talks bringing together researchers and practitioners on topics relevant to design, innovation and sustainability.

NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group

NODUS TALKS: Creative Methods for Futures Inquiry & Social Transformation

MERJA RYÖPPY employs participatory theatre methods in design processes to understand the ongoing social and material relations among people, products and objects. AMOS TAYLOR’s research considers the coming transformations for the next 100 years and the ethical decisions that arise for society and the planet. His work explores highly participatory and creative approaches to engage alternative futures.

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NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group

NODUS TALKS: Care and Participatory Design

ANGELA MORIGGI will talk about the link between care ethics and sustainability transformations, and explain how care principles inspired her participatory action research approach, working with nature-based entrepreneurs in Finland. PAULIINA SEPPÄLÄ will speak about organic co-creation and neighborhoods of care. The event is free but please register as seats are limited.

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NODUS TALKS: Tools for Sustainability Transitions

SAMPSA HYYSALO will present a mid-range pathway creation toolset which helps diverse participants to codesign changes toward transition goals in areas such as energy, biodiversity and aquatic resource use. JUHA KRONQVIST will present the Nordic Urban Mobility game, a tool for discovering future paths and planning cross-industry collaboration.

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NODUS TALKS: Aesthetic Sustainability

SANNA LEHTINEN will talk about the concept of aesthetic sustainability and how it can increase our understanding of experiential quality and sustainable futures. NEMO architects, Maria and Jussi Laine, will present their concepts for creating public awareness of sustainable aesthetics.

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NODUS TALK: Urban Activist Design

DR. MIKKO DUFVA will talk about the need for utopias, societal imagination and experiencing futures in times of transformation. DR. İDİL GAZİULUSOY’s talk is about how to design experiences of sustainable futures as an aid for democratic deliberation.

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NODUS TALKS: Tiny Houses: Fair Living?

PHILIP HECTOR will focus on developments enabling the tiny house movement, as well as their manifestations and claims. PETRI KANGASSALO will talk about their tiny house project, Helsinki Design Week tiny house fair & Pasila rail yard vision where tiny houses are an important theme.

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NODUS TALKS: Food System Transformation

SEONA CANDY will talk about the challenges related to feeding cities both now and in the future and opportunities for sustainable and resilient urban food system transformation. HEIDI UPPA will present her latest projects related to food design and communication.

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NODUS TALKS: Learning Sustainability

TATU MARTTILA will focus on the challenges and potential of the master degree program “Creative Sustainability”. PINJA SIPARI will tell about her experiences of training teachers on climate change issues and describe how school gardening can be part of sustainability education.

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NODUS TALKS: Complementary Currencies

JENNI HUTTUNEN talks about creating economically resilient, sustainable futures through new valuation systems such as complementary currencies. JOONAS PEKKANEN is a citizen activist turned employee interested in developing Open Democracy. Being Head of ICT Development for the City of Helsinki’s culture and leisure sector, he is collaborating with Jenni on a prospective local currency project for the City of Helsinki.

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NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group NODUS Talks NODUS Research Group

NODUS TALKS: Alternative Economies

EEVA HOUTBECKERS will talk about diverse economies as a tool to understand that there are versatile ways to organize economies. RUBY VAN DER WEKKEN will talk about commoning as a way towards an economy based on people’s need.

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NODUS TALKS: Design + Urban Activism

EEVA BERGLUND has a background in social anthropology, she teaches and writes on issues to do with society and the environment, whilst participating in and trying to better understand urban activism. PAULIINA JALONEN has been a Helsinki organiser of the Jane’s Walk festival and is currently co-organising Espoo Mini Maker Faire in Iso Omena.

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NODUS TALKS: Food for One Planet?

MICHAEL LETTENMEIER has developed the 8 tonnes material footprint benchmark for one-planet lifestyles and its applications in household consumption and design. OULA ANTERE strives to create ways of consuming that are not only sustainable but better and easier than anything else on he market.

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