Transdisciplinary design research for sustainable futures!
Sustainability challenges require a restructuring of institutions and organizations in the local, regional and global scale. The NODUS group studies design solutions, business models, bottom up initiatives and governance innovations which hold potential to contribute to sustainability. NODUS utilises and promotes transdisciplinary research and co-creative approaches in knowledge generation. Socio-ecological-technological system transformations, sustainability science, practice theory, participatory and collaborative design, and futures studies are the central concepts for the group.
Stay up to date on the latest news and events. Our NODUS TALKS series brings together researchers and practitioners on topics relevant to design, innovation and sustainability.
NODUS researcher Gloria Lauterbach moderates a talk with Marjut Kauppinen and Henrika Pihlajaniemi.
NODUS researcher Tommi Vasko and Ola Uhrqvist discusses how serious games can help us understand sustainability problems and how they might be used in policy-making.
NODUS leader Idil Gaziulusoy and Anu Seisto (VTT) discusses what are Experiental Futures and why they matter.
NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group undertakes transdisciplinary design research for sustainable futures.
Who we are
NODUS Leader
Associate Professor, Sustainable Design
İdil Gaziulusoy’s research is situated within the emerging area of design for sustainability transitions. She is interested in the new ways of designing and the agencies enabled, enacted and embodied by design that emerge in transformations/transitions contexts.
Find İdil’s publications here
Associate Professor, Co-Innovating for Circular Solutions
Mikko Jalas is an Associate professor of Co-Innovating for Circular Solutions. His research interests include sustainable consumption, time use and societal rhythms, as well as climate change mitigation and design for sustainability transformations.
Find Mikko’s publications here
Senior Lecturer
I'm a design teacher and researcher interested in how design activities can become an effectual part in facilitating sustainability transitions. With a background in industrial and strategic design and in new media, I'm currently working as a senior lecturer on Design for Sustainability at Department of Design in Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
Find Tatu's publications here
Postdoctoral researcher
Katie is a postdoctoral researcher working on a European project to make carbon emissions data accessible and actionable for policymakers and communities. Her work bridges climate science and urban policymaking, designing tools that drive informed, inclusive climate action.
Find Katie's publications here
Postdoctoral researcher
Hella Hernberg is an architect and postdoctoral researcher striving for resource wisdom and socio-ecological sustainability in urban and built environments. Her research focuses on the intermediation of complex socio-political processes to advance the care and revitalization of existing spaces and properties as part of urban sustainability transformations.
Find Hella’s publications here
Postdoctoral researcher
Gloria Lauterbach is an artistic researcher with a PhD in Arts from Aalto University. Gloria specializes on urban habitation strategies in times of polycrisis in general and the question on how to reconceptualize anthropogenic infrastructures (such as lighting infrastructures) in particular.
Find Gloria’s publications here
Doctoral researcher
Kata is an architect whose PhD addresses how food system challenges can be addressed by design, and how spatial practitioners can meaningfully contribute to the facilitation of sustainable diets.
Find Kata’s publications here
Doctoral researcher
Talvikki’s doctoral research explores how knowledge work is organized in post pandemic Finland. By exploring the hybrid work practices and experiences of Finnish knowledge workers, she uncovers what work designs emerge and will be needed long-term.
Find Talvikki's publications here
Doctoral researcher
Maria Ferreira's research focuses on design in the public sector, especially in experimental institutional forms like public innovation labs. The aim is to understand the interactions and collaborations between various actors seeking to influence governance, particularly in the Latin American context.
Find Maria’s publications here
Doctoral researcher
Sonja’s dissertation critically examines and further develops knowledge co-production methods in environmental governance, empirically focusing on the Transition Arena method in Finland. She is especially interested in understanding how social impacts emerge in these settings and how they connect to environmental policy processes as participatory experiments.
Find Sonja’s publications here
Doctoral researcher
Tomi Rantanen’s research is focused on provoking gender equality transitions in music. He aims to discover how systemic design and transition arenas can facilitate change towards feminist futures.
Find Tomi's publications here
Doctoral researcher
Delphine Rumo's doctoral research focuses on sustainable construction. In her research, she investigates communities of practice that restructure conventional economic spaces towards post-development economies.
Find Delphine's publications here
Doctoral researcher
Saga-Sofia Santala's interdisciplinary doctoral research explores the potential of engaging close social communities in creating transitions towards more sustainable mobility practices. Through constructive design research in citizens' everyday lives, it demonstrates ways in which social communities shape (un)sustainable mobility practices and draws implications for socially informed mobility intervention design.
Find Saga's publications here
Doctoral researcher
Tommi Vasko is a researcher, designer, and organizer whose doctoral research examines live action role-playing in the context of the politics of sustainability transitions.
Find Tommi’s publications here
Get to know the projects NODUS researchers are part of.
ICOS Cities (a.k.a. PAUL – Pilot Applications In Urban Landscapes) is a large project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 instrument’s Green Deal call. The project focuses on monitoring systems for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in densely populated urban areas in the Europe. The role of the NODUS team is to benchmark existing services and to develop new service prototypes for the end users of observational emission data such as city administrators.
NorDark – Unconventional Methods to Inform Sustainable Design: Mediating the Needs of People and Nature in Nordic After-dark Environments (2021–2024) – strives to develop new knowledge crucial to design for sustainability in the urban after-dark. To achieve this aim we bring relevant disciplines together with representatives from design, technology, psychology and ecology.
Carbonwise Jukola project will create and pilot a sustainable and carbonwise learning and operating model for a public mass event. The project will reduce the carbondioxide emissions caused by Porvoo Jukola 2023 event by prioritizing and selecting the key activities and measures that can be most effectively achived by developing the target.
Towards Eco-Welfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact (ORSI) project is a joint undertaking of Tampere University, the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The project is funded by the Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland.